Betterflex Pty Ltd
Sapphire Cotton Module Wrap
Reliable Performance
Australian Cotton growers rely on one brand to get cotton from the paddock to the gin.
BetterFlex offers a quality alternative at a fair price point.
Sapphire Module Cotton wrap is developed and manufactured in Brazil and is a strong resilient wrap that ensures the integrity of the module from the field to the Gin.
Sapphire Module Wrap is RFID compatible with all three models of Cotton Pickers.
Sapphire Module Wrap is pending USDA approval in the United States of America and is now being distributed exclusively by BetterFlex Pty Ltd.
Meet The Company
Heath Mcwhirter and Emma Ayliffe are cotton consultants based in the Southern Valleys.
After 10 years in the cotton industry, they realised that there was a need for alternate plastic source. Teaming up with TechAgro Brazil they are now striving to bring quality new products to the market.
For more information please feel free to contact us
Heath Mcwirther - 0428 386 393
Emma Ayliffe - 0458 307 347